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Hot Programs Matrix

Updated: 03/10/2025
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What is AMI?
AMI, or Area Median Income, serves as a statistical metric employed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and various organizations. It aids in establishing the average income of residents within a designated geographic area, be it a city or county. This measure is pivotal in shaping affordable housing programs, particularly those intertwined with mortgages. To access AMI limits based on a specific property address, you can explore the following links to AMI tools.

FreddieMac AMI Link
FannieMae AMI Link


What is DPA?
DPA, or Down Payment Assistance Program, refers to financial support provided to borrowers by charities, government entities, or employer/non-profit organizations. This assistance can come in the form of a grant or a community second/subordinate mortgage. To discover a comprehensive list of available DPA programs in the area of your subject property for purchase, please contact us at 833-832-5625 or via email at

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